Multitenant : Clone a Remote Pluggable Database (PDB)
SQL> select name from v$database;
SQL> show con_name
-- create a user we can point a database link to.
SQL> drop user remote_clone_user CASCADE;
SQL> CREATE USER remote_clone_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_clone_user;
create user remote_clone_user identified by remote_clone_user
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name
SQL> alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true;
SQL> CREATE USER remote_clone_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_clone_user;
SQL> grant create session,create pluggable database to remote_clone_user;
-- Switch the remote PDB to read-only mode.
SQL> alter pluggable database pdb5 close;
sql> ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb5 open read only;
-- Connect to root container in the local CDB.
SQL> conn sys/oracle@cdb1 AS sysdba
-- Check database name.
SQL> select name from v$database;
-- Create a database link to the remote PDB
SQL> Drop database link clone_link
SQL> Create Database Link clone_link connect to remote_clone_user identified by remote_clone_user using pdb5;
-- Clone the remote PDB over the database link.
-- If You are not using OMF, Convert the paths if necessary.
SQL> Create Pluggable Database pdb5new from pdb5@clone_link
SQL> alter pluggable database pdb5new open;
-- Check the PDBs.
SQL> select name,open_mode from v$pdbs order by name;
-- Open the remote PDB in read-write mode again.
SQL> conn sys/oracle@pdb5 as sysdba
alter pluggable database pdb5 close;
alter pluggable database pdb5 open;
-- Clean up new clone
conn sys/oracle@cdb1 as sysdba
alter pluggable database pdb5new close
drop pluggable database pdb5new including datafiles;
-- Check the PDBs.
SQL> select name,open_mode from v$pdbs order by name;
Multitenant : Clone a Remote Pluggable Database (PDB)
SQL> select name from v$database;
SQL> show con_name
-- create a user we can point a database link to.
SQL> drop user remote_clone_user CASCADE;
SQL> CREATE USER remote_clone_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_clone_user;
create user remote_clone_user identified by remote_clone_user
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name
SQL> alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true;
SQL> CREATE USER remote_clone_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_clone_user;
SQL> grant create session,create pluggable database to remote_clone_user;
-- Switch the remote PDB to read-only mode.
SQL> alter pluggable database pdb5 close;
sql> ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb5 open read only;
-- Connect to root container in the local CDB.
SQL> conn sys/oracle@cdb1 AS sysdba
-- Check database name.
SQL> select name from v$database;
-- Create a database link to the remote PDB
SQL> Drop database link clone_link
SQL> Create Database Link clone_link connect to remote_clone_user identified by remote_clone_user using pdb5;
-- Clone the remote PDB over the database link.
-- If You are not using OMF, Convert the paths if necessary.
SQL> Create Pluggable Database pdb5new from pdb5@clone_link
SQL> alter pluggable database pdb5new open;
-- Check the PDBs.
SQL> select name,open_mode from v$pdbs order by name;
-- Open the remote PDB in read-write mode again.
SQL> conn sys/oracle@pdb5 as sysdba
alter pluggable database pdb5 close;
alter pluggable database pdb5 open;
-- Clean up new clone
conn sys/oracle@cdb1 as sysdba
alter pluggable database pdb5new close
drop pluggable database pdb5new including datafiles;
-- Check the PDBs.
SQL> select name,open_mode from v$pdbs order by name;
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