Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Oracle APEX

Oracle Apex 24.1.0 Installation Guideline:-----


---Install JDK 11/17 and above and set the Env. Variable

Step - 1


Command for check Oracle Apex Older Version

SQL> alter session set container=STAND;

Session altered.

SQL> select version_no from apex_release;     #Apex Version Check

Command for View Apex Users:-


select username,account_status  from dba_users where username like 'APEX%'


Step - 2


Notes:- (Before Submit This Path Carefully Check In This Path Same to With Your Installation    Directory Path).

Command for Install Oracle Apex New Version:-

Copy Apex New Version and Past to Your Apex Installation Path Like "C:\Oracle\app"

Run cmd write Apex Installation Directory Path Like  "cd C:\Oracle\app\apex"  (Press Enter)


c:   (Press Enter)

sqlplus   (Press Enter)

Write Your SYS Username:   sys@orcldb as sysdba      (Press Enter)

Write Your SYS Password :         (Press Enter)

show parameter create

CREATE TABLESPACE apex_orcl DATAFILE '/path/to/datafiles/apex01.dbf' SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M;

@apexins.sql apex_orcl apex_orcl temp /i/         (This command for copy image)   (Press Enter)

@apxchpwd.sql       (Press Enter)

User Name Auto come:- ADMIN

Write Your Email:-                                            (Press Enter)

Write Your Password :-                                   (Press Enter)

Password: Apex_123

@apex_rest_config.sql      (Passwords for all Normal Users:-  (Apex_123))


(Must be Unlock Under This (APEX%) Users):-


alter user APEX_240100 account unlock identified by Apex_123;

alter user APEX_PUBLIC_USER account unlock identified by Apex_123;

alter user ANONYMOUS account unlock identified by Apex_123;

alter user APEX_LISTENER account unlock identified by Apex_123;

alter user APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER account unlock identified by Apex_123;

alter user APEX_PUBLIC_ROUTER account unlock identifed by Apex_123;

alter user APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN_USER account unlock identified by Apex_123;


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EXEC DBMS_XDB.sethttpport(8080);

Note: This port set for access apex access via ords, if standalone then fine.

But on the same host running 2+ databases including apex and ord so make sure using different port otherwise conflict happen.



ORDS-24.1 Installation Guide:---------




Oracle APEX on two different databases (e.g., one for production and one for non-production) on a single host. This setup involves the following steps:

Setup Overview

Install Oracle APEX on Both Databases: Ensure both databases have Oracle APEX installed.

Configure Separate ORDS Instances: Use Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) to create separate configurations for each database.

Deploy ORDS Configurations to Separate Web Servers or Ports: Each database will have its own ORDS instance, serving as a separate APEX console.

Access via Separate URLs: Each configuration will provide unique URLs for accessing the APEX consoles.

Steps to Configure APEX for Two Databases

Step 1: Install APEX on Both Databases

Download and install Oracle APEX in each database (if not already installed).

Run the apxins.sql script for each database to configure APEX. As mentioned above.

Step - 1


Command for View ORDS Users:-


select username,account_status  from dba_users where username like 'ORDS%';


Step - 2


Notes:- (Before Submit This Path Carefully Check In This Path Same to With Your Installation    Directory Path).

Provide Ords Directory path and hit "Enter" button. "cd E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords"

mkdir -p E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\stand\config

mkdir -p E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\orcl\config

Note: copy image directory from Apex to ords config in my case i have done under below




Now run this command "java -jar ords.war install"

--Note: This Option execute only when 2+ database running on same host with mutiple apex so ords should be mutiple instance dependent.

java -jar ords.war --config E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\stand\config install

        at oracle.dbtools.launcher.executable.jar.ExecutableJarEntrypoint.invoke(

        at oracle.dbtools.launcher.executable.jar.ExecutableJarEntrypoint.main(

  Enter a number to select the database connection type to use

    [1] Basic (host name, port, service name)

    [2] TNS (TNS alias, TNS directory)

    [3] Custom database URL

  Choose [1]: 1

  Enter the database host name [localhost]:

  Enter the database listen port [1521]:

  Enter the database service name [orcl]: stand

  Provide database user name with administrator privileges.

    Enter the administrator username: sys

  Enter the database password for SYS AS SYSDBA:

Retrieving information.

ORDS is not installed in the database. ORDS installation is required.

----> Update the Values  according to option.

  Enter a number to update the value or select option A to Accept and Continue

    [1] Connection Type: Basic

    [2] Basic Connection: HOST=localhost PORT=1521 SERVICE_NAME=stand

           Administrator User: SYS AS SYSDBA

    [3] Database password for ORDS runtime user (ORDS_PUBLIC_USER): <specified password>

    [4] ORDS runtime user and schema tablespaces:  Default: APEX Temporary TEMP

    [5] Additional Feature: Database Actions

    [6] Configure and start ORDS in Standalone Mode: Yes

    [7]    Protocol: HTTP

    [8]       HTTP Port: 8080

    [9]   APEX static resources location: E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\stand\images

    [A] Accept and Continue - Create configuration and Install ORDS in the database

    [Q] Quit - Do not proceed. No changes

  Choose [A]:














2024-12-02T20:26:17.777Z WARNING     *** jdbc.MaxLimit in configuration |default|lo| is using a value of 10, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment ***

2024-12-02T20:26:17.796Z WARNING     *** jdbc.InitialLimit in configuration |default|lo| is using a value of 10, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment ***

2024-12-02T20:26:21.391Z INFO

Mapped local pools from E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\stand\config\databases:

  /ords/                              => default                        => VALID

2024-12-02T20:26:22.344Z INFO        Oracle REST Data Services initialized

Oracle REST Data Services version : 24.3.1.r3061450

Oracle REST Data Services server info: jetty/10.0.21

Oracle REST Data Services java info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 17.0.13+10-LTS-268





Step - 3


Login Info:-




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========================================2ND ORDs Setup For Prod on same host=========================================================

create directory E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\orcl\config



cd E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\orcl\

java -jar ords.war --config E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\orcl\config install




  Enter a number to update the value or select option A to Accept and Continue

    [1] Connection Type: Basic

    [2] Basic Connection: HOST=localhost PORT=1521 SERVICE_NAME=ORCL

           Administrator User: SYS AS SYSDBA

    [3] Database password for ORDS runtime user (ORDS_PUBLIC_USER): <generate>

    [4] ORDS runtime user and schema tablespaces:  Default: APEX_ORCL Temporary TEMP

    [5] Additional Feature: Database Actions

    [6] Configure and start ORDS in Standalone Mode: Yes

    [7]    Protocol: HTTP

    [8]       HTTP Port: 8091

    [9]   APEX static resources location: E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\orcl\images

    [A] Accept and Continue - Create configuration and Install ORDS in the database

    [Q] Quit - Do not proceed. No changes

  Choose [A]: A

Login Info:-





How to Auto Runs (ORDS 24.1) from Windows Services In Apex 24.3 Using (NSSM) - the Non-Sucking Service Manager.


Step - 1


Notes:- (Before Submit This Path Carefully Check In This Path Same to With Your Installation    Directory Path).

Command for Auto Run Ords:-

@echo on

cd E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\orcl\bin

ords --config E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\orcl\config serve


Service Name:- AutoRunOrds.bat


Step - 2


Command for Delete Ords Services:-

sc delete "AutoRunOrds"



ORDS-20.3 Remove or Uninstall Guide:---------

Select User 'ORDS%' by Under Command 


select username,account_status  from dba_users where username like 'ORDS%'

Provide Ords Directory path and hit "Enter" button. "cd C:\Oracle\app\ords "


Now run this command "java -jar ords.war uninstall"


Service_Name = Write Your Database Name.



Apex Version Check:


select version_no from apex_release;     #Apex Version Check

ORDS Version Check:


E:\app\oracle\base\oradata\ords\config\orcl\bin>ords.exe --version

ORDS: Release 24.3 Production on Fri Dec 06 03:50:43 2024

Copyright (c) 2010, 2024, Oracle.



Oracle REST Data Services 24.3.1.r3061450


APX Security Patch download :


Patch Apply Steps for Oracle APEX (Patch Set:


1. Download the Patch

Download the patch set archive from Oracle Support (My Oracle Support).

2. Unzip the Patch Files

For Windows: Double-click the file to extract it.

For Linux/UNIX: Use the following command to unzip the patch:


3. Prevent Access to Oracle APEX

Ensure no developers or end users are accessing Oracle APEX during the patch process.

Stop Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS):

Follow the instructions in the Oracle REST Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide to stop the server.

Example command to stop ORDS on Linux:


./ords stop

4. Set the Current Directory

Change your working directory to the folder where the patch files were extracted:

cd /path/to/36695709

5. Set the NLS_LANG Environment Variable

Ensure that the NLS_LANG environment variable is set to AL32UTF8 to avoid character set issues.

For UNIX/Linux (Bourne or Korn shell):

export NLS_LANG=American_America.AL32UTF8

For UNIX/Linux (C shell):

setenv NLS_LANG American_America.AL32UTF8

For Windows:

set NLS_LANG=American_America.AL32UTF8

6. Run the Patch Scripts

For Oracle Database 19c and newer, run the appropriate patch script from SQL*Plus:

sqlplus sys as sysdba @catpatch.sql           -- For non-CDB or PDB

sqlplus sys as sysdba @catpatch_con.sql       -- For CDB where APEX is in the root

sqlplus sys as sysdba @catpatch_appcon.sql    -- For Application Container

7. Install the Patch Set Exception’s Changes (Images Directory)

Copy the images directory from the patch to the APEX installation directory:

On Windows:

xcopy /E /I c:\temp\images ORACLE_APEX_HOME\apex\images

On UNIX/Linux:

cp -rf /tmp/images ORACLE_APEX_HOME/apex

Note: Replace ORACLE_APEX_HOME with the actual path of your APEX installation directory.

8. Start Oracle APEX Services

Start Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS):

Follow the instructions in the Oracle REST Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide to restart ORDS.

Example command to start ORDS on Linux:


./ords start

Important Notes

Backups: Always back up your database and APEX installation before applying any patches.

Patch Version: Ensure that the patch set you are applying is compatible with your current version of Oracle Database and APEX.

Post-apply testing: After applying the patch, verify that Oracle APEX is functioning correctly by accessing the APEX interface and checking for errors in the logs.

select patch_version, installed_on from apex_patches where patch_number = 36695709;

select * from apex_release;

you can view in apex page also.



ORDS Security Patch download:


No patch just replace the bainaries if needed otherwise no need.





While Installing ORDS getting below message

"Error the ORDS_PUBLIC_USER already exists and the ORDS_METADATA schema does not exist. Reason: This may be caused by a previous unsuccessful ORDS install, uninstall or the ORDS_METADATA schema was dropped manually. Action: Reinstall ORDS (uninstall and install ORDS)."

java -jar ords.war uninstall #First and try to install again. 


ORDS: WARNING     *** jdbc.MaxLimit in configuration |default|lo| is using a value of 10, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment ***

Saturday, 16 March 2024

ZDLRA: History and Versions

 1. Oracle Database Appliance X3-2:

Introduction: The first version of Oracle ZDLRA was introduced as part of the Oracle Database Appliance X3-2.

Features: Provided data protection features for Oracle Databases, including backup and recovery capabilities.

2. Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X5-2:

Introduction: Oracle introduced a dedicated appliance for zero data loss recovery capabilities, known as Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X5-2.

Enhancements: This version brought significant enhancements in terms of scalability, performance, and integration with Oracle Database technologies.

3. Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X8:

Introduction: The X8 series of ZDLRA continued to refine the capabilities of the appliance.

Enhancements: This version likely introduced improvements in data capture efficiency, recovery speed, and integration with newer versions of Oracle Database.

4. Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X9:

Introduction: The X9 series further improved upon the features and capabilities of the ZDLRA.

Enhancements: This version might have introduced advancements in areas such as security, reliability, and management capabilities.


Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA) has evolved over the years to become a key component in Oracle's data protection and recovery ecosystem. With each new version, Oracle aims to improve the capabilities, performance, and reliability of ZDLRA to meet the evolving needs of Oracle Database customers.

ZDLRA Engineered System

Combining Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA) with Oracle Exadata creates a powerful setup for protecting and recovering data.

Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA) is an engineered system designed to minimize data loss and streamline data protection and recovery processes in Oracle Database environments. ZDLRA is engineered specifically for Oracle Database workloads and integrates tightly with Oracle's database technologies.

Think of it this way: Exadata is like a supercharged engine for your Oracle databases, designed to handle massive workloads with speed and reliability. It's where your data lives and operates.

Now, imagine adding ZDLRA to this setup. ZDLRA acts as a guardian angel for your data, constantly watching over it and making sure nothing gets lost. It continuously captures changes made to your databases and stores them securely. If anything goes wrong — like a system failure or accidental data deletion — ZDLRA steps in to help you recover quickly and with minimal data loss.

So, putting ZDLRA on Exadata is like having a high-performance car with an advanced safety system built in. It ensures your data stays safe and sound, allowing you to focus on driving your business forward without worrying about losing valuable information.

Key features of Oracle ZDLRA include:

  1. 1. Continuous Data Protection: ZDLRA continuously captures and stores changes made to Oracle Database, ensuring that data loss is minimized in the event of a failure.

  2. 2. Offload Backup Processing: ZDLRA offloads backup processing from production databases, reducing the impact on production workloads during backup operations.

  3. 3. Incremental Forever Backups: ZDLRA utilizes incremental forever backup techniques, where only changed blocks are backed up after an initial full backup, reducing backup times and storage requirements.

  4. 4. Integrated Redundancy: ZDLRA incorporates redundancy at every level, including redundant hardware components and data protection features to ensure high availability and reliability.

  5. Simplified Recovery: ZDLRA provides simplified recovery procedures, enabling rapid recovery of databases to specific points in time with minimal data loss.

  6. 5. Integration with Oracle Database: ZDLRA integrates seamlessly with Oracle Database, providing native support for Oracle features such as RMAN (Recovery Manager) and Oracle Data Guard.

Overall, Oracle ZDLRA aims to provide a comprehensive data protection solution for Oracle Database environments, ensuring data integrity, minimizing data loss, and simplifying recovery procedures.

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Oracle 19c Feature Active Data Guard DML Redirection

Today, I will write about an extremely cool feature introduced in the Data Guard component on Oracle Database Active Data Guard DML Redirection

It was officially introduced in Oracle 19c, but was also present in the 18c version via the underscore parameter "_enable_proxy_adg_redirect=true".

SQL> alter session enable adg_redirect_dml;

With this feature, you can run DML operations on Active Data Guard standby databases. This enables you to run read-mostly applications, which occasionally execute DMLs, on the standby database". So imagine one reporting application that needs to create some staging tables, but that you couldn't have it running in the ADG as it was a fully read-only environment before. Now, this is no longer a problem.

The only issue I see with this feature is that it is controlled by a session modifiable level parameter. In other words, any database user can enable this for himself on the standby side.


However, starting on 19c, any user connected to the Data Guard environment could potentially change the data in the Production, as long as the user has the appropriate grants in primary to do so. Thus, leveraging the protection on being a "read-only" environment is not enough anymore. All the protections made on the primary should be extended to the DGs.


Not sure but seems to be a potentially insecure feature, I found two options on the internet, but I haven't tested them yet.

*.Totally disabling the database links on the standby database.

*.Creating a logon trigger on the primary blocking connections coming from the standby database.

Refer Doc:

Active Data Guard DML Redirection 19c (Doc ID 2465016.1)

Role of Standby Redo Logs Why and How?

I came across an article about Standby Redo Logs, and I wanted to share it with you.

Purpose of Data Guard:

High Availability
Disaster Recovery
Data Protection
Workload Offloading & Testing

How Data Guard Works:  Dataguard Track the Changes on Primary Database and Replicate the same to Standby Databases through Redo Logs/Archive Logs.

In 19c, Oracle Introduced 2 exciting features.

*.Active DG DML Redirect, through which even the DML Statements can be executed directly on Standby Database which will be applied to Primary Database as well which reduces the workload of Primary Database. 

*.We have automatic Standby recovery through Flashback feature by which we don't need to flashback/rebuild the standby database after Primary Flashback..

Modes of Standby databases:

Maximum Protection Mode which ensure transaction on primary commits only after it is applied on Standby. There are no Dataloss in Max Protection mode.
Here the redo transport type is SYNC & AFFIRM.

Maximum availability Mode. In This also, the transaction on Primary gets commited only after it is applied on standby database. But If Standby not available due to outage/network issue, the transaction on primary will continue without any impact.. Usually there will not be any data loss. Here also the redo transport is sync & Affirm.

Maximum performance Mode in which the primary database transaction will not wait for Standby replication which improve the performance of the primary database. But there are significant chances of Data Loss. 

Why use SRLs?

If you configure your standby for Maximum Protection, then Standby Redo Logs are required. Most implementations are configured for Maximum Performance because they do not want the performance hit Max Protect may impart on their application. 
Even if you are using Max Performance, you still want to implement SRLs. 

To understand why, we first need to start by examining how redo transport works when SRLs do not exist. 

1. A transaction writes redo records into the Log Buffer in the System Global Area (SGA).

2. The Log Writer process (LGWR) writes redo records from the Log Buffer to the Online Redo Logs (ORLs).

3. When the ORL switches to the next log sequence (normally when the ORL fills up), the Archiver process (ARC0) will copy the ORL to the Archived Redo Log.

4. Because a standby database exists, a second Archiver process (ARC1) will read from a completed Archived Redo Log and transmit the redo over the network to the Remote File Server (RFS) process running for the standby instance.

5. RFS sends the redo stream to the local Archiver process (ARCn).

6. ARCn then writes the redo to the archived redo log location on the standby server.

7. Once the archived redo log is completed, the Managed Recovery Process (MRP0) sends the redo to the standby instance for applying the transaction.

With SRLs, not only do we have more resources, we also have different choices, i.e. different paths to get from the primary to the standby. The first choice is to decide if we are configured for Max Protect or Max Performance as I will discuss its impact below.

1. Just like without SRLs, a transaction generates redo in the Log Buffer in the SGA.

2. The LGWR process writes the redo to the ORL.

3. Are we in Max Protect or Max Performance mode?

4. If Max Protect, then we are performing SYNC redo transport. The Network Server SYNC process (NSSn) is a slave process to LGWR. It ships redo to the RFS process on the standby server.

5. If Max Performance mode, then we are performing ASYNC redo transport. The Network Server ASYNC process (NSAn) reads from the ORL and transports the redo to the RFS process on the standby server.

6. RFS on the standby server simply writes the redo stream directly to the SRLs.

7. How the redo gets applied depends if we are using Real Time Apply or not.

8. If we are using Real Time Apply, MRP0 will read directly from the SRLs and apply the redo to the standby database.

9. If we are not using Real Time Apply, MRP0 will wait for the SRL’s contents to be archived and then once archived and once the defined delay has elapsed, MRP0 will apply the redo to the standby database.

 Step 3 above is the entire reason we want to use Standby Redo Logs. If we are in Max Protect (SYNC) mode, then SRLs are required otherwise this process will not work. If we are in Max Performance mode, will still want SRLs. Why? We want SRLs to be configured, even in Max Performance mode because they reduce data loss to seconds, rather than minutes or hours. Max Performance mode with SRLs often achieves a near-zero data loss solution. The last sentence above is why you want to configure SRLs if you are in Max Performance mode. The other big benefit to SRLs is when Real Time Apply is being performed. As soon as the redo is in the SRL, it can be replayed on the standby database. We do not have to wait for a log switch to occur. Real Time Apply, only possible with SRLs, means the recovery time to open the standby database in a failover operation is as low as it can be.

 I often find that people are operating under the misconception that if you configure for ASYNC, configure for Max Performance, then only ARCn can transport redo from the primary to the standby. This used to be true in much older versions, but in 10g (maybe 9i), ARCn is only used to transport redo only if SRLs are not configured. If SRLs are configured, then for ASYNC, NSAn is used to transport redo. Furthermore, NSAn does this in near real time. I only ever configure Max Performance mode in my standby configurations and I often have 1 second or 2 second data loss.

Here comes the 2 new Processes. that is Network Server Async Process (NSA) and Network Server Sync Process (NSS). Prior to 12c, the Log-Write Network Server Process (LNS) Process which is was used instead of NSA and NSS.

 Without SRLs, then I must wait for a log switch to occur on the primary before the redo can be transported. If it takes one hour for the log switch to occur, then I can have one hour’s worth of data loss. If it takes six hours for that log switch to occur, then I can have six hour’s worth of data loss. This behavior was ameliorated by the DBA implementing the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter in their primary configuration. If the DBA set this parameter to 3600 seconds, then a log switch would occur at most once per hour. Even with this parameter, one hour of data loss may seem like a lot to most companies, especially when you do better. 

 All you have to do to enjoy data loss measured in a few seconds is to create Standby Redo Logs in your standby database. That’s it. It couldn’t be more simple.
Best Practice:

*.Make sure your ORL groups all have the same exact size. You want every byte in the ORL to have a place in its corresponding SRL.

*.Create the SRLs with the same exact byte size as the ORL groups. If they can’t be the same exact size, make sure they are bigger than the ORLs.

*.Do not assign the SRLs to any specific thread. That way, the SRLs can be used by any thread, even with Oracle RAC primary databases.

*.When you create SRLs in the standby, create SRLs in the primary. They will normally never be used. But one day you may perform a switchover operation. When you do switchover, you want the old primary, now a standby database, to have SRLs. Create them at the same time.

*.For an Oracle RAC primary database, create the number of SRLs equal to the number of ORLs in all primary instances. For example, if you have a 3-node RAC database with 4 ORLs in each thread, create 12 SRLs (3x4) in your standby. No matter how many instances are in your standby, the standby needs enough SRLs to support all ORLs in the primary, for all instances.

Sunday, 10 September 2023

Jenkin: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Jenkins provides Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) as a way to manage user permissions and access control more granularly. RBAC allows you to define roles with specific permissions and assign those roles to users and groups. Here's how you can set up Role-Based Access Control in Jenkins:

1. Install the Role-based Authorization Strategy Plugin:

To enable RBAC in Jenkins, you need to install the "Role-based Authorization Strategy" plugin. You can install it via the Jenkins plugin manager:

a. Go to the Jenkins dashboard.
b. Click on "Manage Jenkins."
c. Select "Manage Plugins."
d. Navigate to the "Available" tab.
e. In the "Filter" box, type "Role-based Authorization Strategy."
f. Check the checkbox next to the "Role-based Authorization Strategy" plugin.
g. Click "Install without restart."

2. Configure Global Roles:

a. After installing the plugin, go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Configure Global Security."

b. Under the "Access Control" section, select "Role-Based Strategy."

In my case already installed. But you can follow the same step as per snippet.

3.Define Global Roles:

*.Scroll down to the "Role-Based Authorization Strategy" section and click on "Add global role."
*.Define the roles you want to create, giving them meaningful names (e.g., Administrator, Developer, QA, etc.).
*.For each role, specify the desired permissions by checking the corresponding checkboxes. Jenkins provides a list of common permissions you can assign.
*.Click "Add" to save the global roles.

4.Assign Users or Groups to Roles:

*.After defining global roles, you can assign users or groups to these roles.

*.Scroll down to the "Role to User/Group Mapping" section.

*.Select a role from the "Role" dropdown.

*.Enter the usernames or group names (if using groups) in the "User/Group Names" field. You can separate multiple names with commas.

*.Click "Add" to map users or groups to the role.

*.Repeat this step for each role and its corresponding users or groups.

5. Apply and Save:

    *.Click the "Apply" button to apply the RBAC configuration.

    *.Then, click the "Save" button to save the changes.

6. Test Permissions:

Log in as different users and verify that they have the expected permissions based on the roles you assigned to them.

7. Fine-Tune Role Permissions:

You can further refine role permissions by modifying the roles and their associated permissions as needed.

Role-Based Access Control allows you to manage access control in a more flexible and organized manner, making it easier to control who can do what within your Jenkins instance. It's especially useful in larger Jenkins installations with many users and complex access requirements.

Jenkin: User Create

 To create a new user in Jenkins, you'll need administrative privileges.

 Follow these steps to add a user to your Jenkins instance:

1.Log into Jenkins: 

Open a web browser and access your Jenkins instance by navigating to http://mongodb:8080

2.Access User Management:

Click on "Manage Jenkins" in the Jenkins dashboard.

3.Access User Management Page:

Click on "Manage Users" to access the User Management page.

4.Create a New User:

Click on the "Create User" link.

5.Fill in User Details:

Fill out the user details for the new user, including:

Username: Choose a unique username for the new user.

Password: Set a secure password for the user. You can click the "Generate" button to have Jenkins generate a random password.

Full Name: Enter the user's full name.

Email Address: Provide the user's email address.

Click the "Create User" button.

6.Configure User Permissions:

By default, new users are given read-only access to Jenkins.

To grant additional permissions, click on the user's name on the User Management page.

7.Configure User Permissions:

Scroll down to the "Add user to roles" section.

Check the roles that you want to assign to the user. For example, you can give them "Overall" or "Job" permissions based on your requirements.

8.Save User Configuration:

Click the "Save" button to save the user's configuration.

9.Verify User Creation:

The new user is now created and should have access to Jenkins based on the assigned permissions.

10.Notify the User:

Share the username and password with the new user.

It's advisable to have users change their password upon their first login for security reasons.

Keep in mind that Jenkins also supports various authentication methods, including LDAP, Active Directory, and others. If you have an existing user directory (e.g., LDAP or Active Directory), you can configure Jenkins to use that directory for user authentication and authorization, which can simplify user management.

Remember to manage user permissions carefully to ensure that users have access to the appropriate Jenkins resources and functions while maintaining security and access control.

Jenkin: Change the theme or appearance

To change the theme or appearance of the Jenkins web interface, you can use Jenkins plugins that provide themes or styles. One such plugin is the "Simple Theme Plugin," which allows you to customize the CSS and JavaScript of the Jenkins UI. Here's how you can change the theme in Jenkins:

1. Log into Jenkins: 

    Open your web browser and access your Jenkins instance by navigating to (In my case)                             http://mongodb:8080

2. Install the Simple Theme Plugin:

    a. Click on "Manage Jenkins" in the Jenkins dashboard.
    b. Select "Manage Plugins" from the dropdown menu.
    c. Go to the "Available" tab.
    d. In the "Filter" box, type "Simple Theme Plugin."
    e. Check the checkbox next to "Simple Theme Plugin."
    f. Click the "Install without restart" button.

3. Create or Edit a Theme:

    a. After the plugin is installed, go back to the Jenkins dashboard and click on "Manage Jenkins"                 again.
    b. Select "Configure System."
    c. Scroll down to the "Theme" section. Here, you can add or edit themes.

4. Add/Edit a Theme:

    a. Click on the "Add" button to add a new theme or edit an existing one.
    b. Provide a name for your theme in the "Name" field.
    c. In the "URL of theme CSS" field, you can specify the URL of a CSS file that defines your custom     styles. This file should be hosted on a web server accessible to your Jenkins server.
    d. You can also add JavaScript files to customize the behavior of the Jenkins UI.
    e. Click "Save" to save your theme.

CSS URL where you can download/use theme:

5. Apply the Theme:

    a. Once you've created or edited a theme, you can apply it to your Jenkins instance.
    b. Go to the Jenkins dashboard and click on your username in the top right corner.
    c. Select "Configure" from the dropdown menu.
    d. In the "User Themes" section, select the theme you created or edited from the "Theme" dropdown         list.
    e. Click "Save" to apply the theme.

6. View the New Theme:

Refresh your Jenkins dashboard, and you should see the changes applied by your custom theme.

Please note that modifying the Jenkins UI through custom themes can be powerful but should be used judiciously. 

Ensure that any changes you make do not compromise the functionality or security of your Jenkins instance. Additionally, be aware that Jenkins may undergo updates, and custom themes may need to be maintained accordingly.

Jenkin : Forgot Admin password


*.A super user( root) or any user with SUDO privileges.

*.vim/ vi/ text editor to edit the configuration files.

Steps to recover forgotten password in Jenkins

1.Now, copy and take the backup of configuration file of Jenkins and save it.

# cp -v /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml ./config.xml_0923_passwordreset

Step 2: Open the /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml configuration file and turn off the protection.

# vi /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml 

And now, find the <useSecurity> tag and change the value from true to false.

  <useSecurity>true</useSecurity>   ####Put the value is false


Step 3: After making the above changes, restart the Jenkins services. After restarting the services, make sure the status of Jenkins is running and enabled

[root@jenkins]# systemctl stop jenkins.service

[root@jenkins]# systemctl start jenkins.service

Step 4: Now, open your browser, and hit try to open the jenkins. You will now not be asked to enter the credentials.

After this, navigate to "Manage Jenkins" button from the option from the left side menu and click on "Configure Global Security" just as shown below.

Step 5: Now, navigate to Security Realm, and select the "Jenkins' own user database" from the dropdown menu. and click on save button from the button and click on Dashboard.

Step 6: Now, after clicking on "Dashboard", go to "People" menu, as shown below. And, select the username of which you want to change the password.

Step 7: Now, go to your server and either replace the existing configuration file with that of you had make in step 2 or replace from "false" to "true", that you had make in step 3.

mv ./config.xml_0923_passwordreset /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml


vi /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml

Step 8: Now just restart the jenkins service and test your login to your Jenkins using browser.

[root@jenkins]# systemctl stop jenkins.service

[root@jenkins]# systemctl start jenkins.service

And this is how you will recover the forgotten password of admin user in Jenkins.

Jenkin Installation on RHEL7

Note: Before installation make sure create yum repository then go to installation part.

To install Jenkins on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7), you can follow these steps. Jenkins is a widely used automation server for building, testing, and deploying code. Before you begin, make sure you have administrative access to your RHEL 7 server.

Here's how you can install Jenkins on RHEL 7:

1. Update Your System:

It's a good practice to update your system's package repository to ensure you have the latest software packages:

sudo yum update

2. Install Java:

Jenkins requires Java to run. You can install Java using the following command:

sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk

Verify that Java has been installed correctly by running:

java -version

3. Add Jenkins Repository:

Jenkins provides an official repository for RHEL. You can add it to your system using the following commands:

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
sudo rpm --import

4. Install Jenkins:

Now that you've added the Jenkins repository, you can install Jenkins with the following command:

sudo yum install jenkins

5. Start and Enable Jenkins:
Once Jenkins is installed, you can start the Jenkins service and enable it to start on boot:

# systemctl start jenkins
# systemctl enable jenkins

6. Check Jenkins Status:
You can verify that Jenkins is running by checking its status:

# systemctl status jenkins

If Jenkins is running correctly, you should see a status message indicating that it's active and running.

7. Firewall Configuration:
If you have a firewall enabled on your RHEL 7 system, you need to open port 8080 to access the Jenkins web interface. You can do this with the following command:

# firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8080/tcp
# firewall-cmd --reload

8. Access Jenkins Web Interface:
Open a web browser and access Jenkins by navigating to http://your-server-IP-or-domain:8080. You should see the Jenkins setup wizard.

To get the initial admin password required for setup, you can run:

# cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Copy and paste the generated password into the Jenkins setup wizard to complete the installation.

9. Install Plugins and Configure Jenkins:
Follow the Jenkins setup wizard to install the recommended plugins and configure your Jenkins instance according to your needs.

10. Start Using Jenkins:

Once the setup is complete, you can start using Jenkins for your automation and CI/CD needs.

That's it! You now have Jenkins installed and running on your RHEL 7 server. You can customize Jenkins further and install additional plugins as needed for your projects.

Useful links:

Monday, 21 August 2023

Multiplexing Controlfile in ASM

 Manual Method:



NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

control_files                        string      +DATA/racdb/controlfile/current.260.979677429

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl stop database -d racdb



ASMCMD> lsdg

State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name

MOUNTED  NORMAL  N         512   4096  1048576     30717    27208             1171           13018              0             N  DATA/

MOUNTED  NORMAL  N         512   4096  1048576      3069     2143              309             917              0             N  OCR/

cd OCR

mkdir racdb

cd racdb

mkdir controlfile



ASMCMD> cp +DATA/RACDB/CONTROLFILE/Current.260.979677429 +OCR/racdb/controlfile/current

copying +DATA/RACDB/CONTROLFILE/Current.260.979677429 -> +OCR/racdb/controlfile/current

ASMCMD> cd +OCR/racdb/controlfile/

ASMCMD> ls -l

Type         Redund  Striped  Time             Sys  Name

                                               N    current => +OCR/ASM/CONTROLFILE/current.256.1144794611


Sun Aug 13 22:27:42 2023

SQL> /* ASMCMD */alter diskgroup /*ASMCMD*/ "OCR" add directory '+OCR/racdb'

SUCCESS: /* ASMCMD */alter diskgroup /*ASMCMD*/ "OCR" add directory '+OCR/racdb'

Sun Aug 13 22:27:56 2023

SQL> /* ASMCMD */alter diskgroup /*ASMCMD*/ "OCR" add directory '+OCR/racdb/controlfile'

SUCCESS: /* ASMCMD */alter diskgroup /*ASMCMD*/ "OCR" add directory '+OCR/racdb/controlfile'




ASMCMD> ls -l

Type         Redund  Striped  Time             Sys  Name

                                               N    current => +OCR/ASM/CONTROLFILE/current.256.1144794611



[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl start database -d racdb -o nomount

show controlfile

alter system set control_files='+DATA/racdb/controlfile/current.260.979677429','+OCR/racdb/controlfile/current' scope=spfile sid='*';

srvctl stop database -d racdb

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl start database -d racdb

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status database -d racdb

Instance racdb1 is running on node rac1

Instance racdb2 is running on node rac2

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

control_files                        string      +DATA/racdb/controlfile/current.260.979677429, +OCR/racdb/controlfile/current


4. clean controlfile from old DG if you do moving.





1. Identify the location of the current controlfile:

SQL> select name from v$controlfile;




2. Shutdown the database and start the instance:

    SQL> shutdown normal

    SQL> startup nomount

3. Use RMAN to duplicate the controlfile:

    $ rman nocatalog

    RMAN>connect target

    RMAN>restore controlfile to '<DISKGROUP_NAME>' from '<OLD_PATH>';

    RMAN> restore controlfile to '+OCR' from '+DATA/racdb/controlfile/current.260.979677429';

4. On the ASM instance, identify the name of the controlfile:

    Using ASMCMD:

    $ asmcmd

    ASMCMD> cd OCR

    ASMCMD> find -t controlfile . *

 Changing the current directory to the diskgroup where the controlfile was created will speed the search.


ASMCMD> find -t controlfile . *

WARNING:option 't' is deprecated for 'find'

please use 'type'


5. On the database side:

##OPTIONAL STEP spfile and init file manual changes.

            * Modify init.ora or spfile, adding the new path to parameter control_files.

            * if using init<SID>.ora, just modify the control_files parameter and restart the database.

            * If using spfile,

            1) startup nomount the database instance

            2) alter system set control_files='+DG1/P10R2/CONTROLFILE/backup.308.577785757','/oradata2/102b/oradata/P10R2/control01.ctl' scope=spfile;

            For RAC instance:

            alter system set control_files='+DATA/racdb/controlfile/current.260.979677429','+OCR/RACDB/CONTROLFILE/current.256.1144796825' scope=spfile sid='*';

            3) shutdown immediate

        * start the instance.

            Verify that new control file has been recognized. If the new controlfile was not used, the complete procedure needs to be repeated.


[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl start database -d racdb

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status database -d racdb

Instance racdb1 is running on node rac1

Instance racdb2 is running on node rac2