Problem Description:
Patch 4367986 conflicting with already installed Patch 5705795.
Getting ORA-600
[17059] on the database alert log file
Problem Explanation:
ORA-600 [17059] is
a memory corruption error that occurs while building a table to hold the list
of child cursor dependencies relating to a given parent cursor and we exceed
the maximum possible size of the table.
identify why so many child cursors have been
created, can you please check V$SQLAREA for a statement using a excessive
number of child cursors, e.g.:
connect / as sysdba
version_count, sql_id, sql_text from v$sqlarea
where version_count
> 5000 order by version_count;
and then for the
statement with the largest version count, identify why they are not getting
shared from V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR, e.g.:
select * from
v$sql_shared_cursor where address in (
select address from
v$sqlarea where sql_id = '<SQL_ID from above>');
Alert Log File shows;
Solution Temp:
1. Schedule every hour
2. Alter system flush shared_pool;
3. Alter system flush shared_pool;
4. Alter system flush shared_pool;
Flush particular sql from shared pool
behalf of hash values ,address